What are you going to create?
from Jonathan Zeitlyn’s Print: How You Can Do It Yourself. Journeyman Press. London. 1992.
Zeitlyn’s work fits quite well with Mimeograph Revival’s ethos. He wrote and published on printing and printmaking from a DIY angle. There’s a summary of some of his work here, and you can look here to see if there’s a library copy available near you. I’d be interested to get my hands on both Print and Low Cost Printing for Development: A Printing Handbook for Third World Development and Education now that it’s becoming clearer that my part of the world is quickly heading into a less-developed future.
2 replies on “We No Longer Just Have to Consume”
“…now that it’s becoming clearer that my part of the world is quickly heading into a less-developed future.”
Yeah… day may come when this sort of DIY is the difference between nothing and samizdat..
PS. Larry Elder for gov!
That’s why I told the Survivor Library to take any of the things I posted here for distribution through their site 🙂 – the more that things like this can survive in little pockets, the better. Meanwhile, I’ve got a true DIY hack coming up for when/where things the pickings are really slim. Stay tuned!