Well, it’s been quiet around here! Nonetheless, over the last few months, I’ve been doing some behind-the-scenes work to make up for my lack of actual creative output.
With none of the fanfare one might expect of such thing, I’ve launched a “print shop” to offer print-on-demand copies of mostly-mimeo, but also other eclectic publications (mostly things in the public domain that deserve saving in print). Right now there’s only one thing that’ll be of interest to duplicating aficionados, and that’s a very nice copy of A. B. Dick’s “Fundamentals of Mimeographing” in a spiral-bound format.

That same volume is available for free in digital format in the library. The print version has essentially been “remastered” to clean up yellowed pages and remove stains and marks of age; all original color pages are presented in color. Additionally, its spiral binding allows it to lie flat for easy use while you follow the mimeographing lessons.

It’s pretty snazzy! If you’ve ever wanted a step-by-step guide to plunk down on your work table while you figure out stencils and ink and what all the parts of the mimeograph machine are called, I think you’ll really like it.

More recently I “catalogued” the advertisements and sales brochures currently available in the library after having uploaded some twenty or more documents scanned by Kevin B. from his physical collection.

A similar list has been compiled for the collection found on the Service and Instruction Manuals page (a collection that has also been filled out by Kevin’s generous efforts).

Both lists reveal significant additions since my last update post.