It’s been a little slow on the mimeo-front lately – mostly because the snafu with the fax machines took some of the wind out of my sails. A new tattoo-stencil printer has arrived, however, and I’m at the point where I’ve got a few things for which I’m ready to attempt stencil creation. I’m starting with postcards so I can use the Lettergraph Model 60 first. Speaking of the Model 60, I found a pristine and likely-unused machine. Its superb condition helped me figure out how to disassemble my gunked-up one. Pictures coming soon.
While I don’t have much to report on my own duplicating endeavors, a few things have been added to the website. First, two great new documents – both are detailed instructions for creating stencils and running them off on a mimeo-machine – are now available in the digital library, courtesy of Northwestern University Library’s special collections where they were scanned and offered to Mimeograph Revival for sharing with a wider audience. Both are to be found under the A. B. Dick heading in the manuals section.
In addition, several catalogs/advertising brochures were added to the digital library, here. Look for the PDFs under the brands Geha, Gestetner, and Multistamp.
In other mimeo-news, Rich Dana’s Kickstarter-funded book Cheap Copies, has started shipping. It’s a beaut and a must-have for anyone interested in old-timey and hybridized self-pub-printing. Find Rich’s contact info on his site.