It’s been quiet here at Mimeograph Revival, but there’ve been things going on behind the scenes and on some of the site’s far-flung pages.
On the Resources page, you’ll find a link to the Made in Chicago Museum’s exploration of A. B. Dick history, as well as a link to Rachel Simone Weil’s clever use of a label printer to make postcard-sized stencils that she then prints by hand (screen-print style) – written in tutorial style, so go check it out and expand the use of your label printer if you’ve got one. Her sample shows great detail (better than what I’ve gotten from a tattoo-stencil-printer, anyway).
Recent commenter Sherrinford chimed in with a novel stencil-making technique utilizing electro-etching paper and a typewriter. You’ll find that comment on the Contact page.
Likewise, Kevin, a commenter who’s well-versed in things-mimeo, has shared a few tips over on the Heyer Model D page. In addition, he’s graciously been scanning original mimeograph advertisements and documents to share with Mimeograph Revival. Two Gestetner ads have already been posted to the library’s advertisement page, and two manuals (one for Roneo and one for Standard’s Rocket Spirit Duplicator) have been uploaded to the manuals page.
In the next few weeks more documents will be added to the library and, fingers crossed, some more experimenting with the thermal stencils and maybe a hectograph will occur here at the MR studio.