Free · Online Event · THIS THURSDAY

Online via
Hosted by Obsolete Press
From the FaceBook post:
“10AM L.A.– 12PM Chicago – 1PM NYC – 6PM London – 7PM Amsterdam– 2AM(Fri.) TokyoZoom Link: // Coming Soon //Greeting again, spirited duplicators and mimeo-heads!After a fantastic response to the first online gathering of copier enthusiasts, we have scheduled a follow-up meeting for June 10, 2020.This time, we want to hear from as many of you as possible! We propose a “pecha kucha” or lightning-round-style meeting. Anyone can give a 3-5 minute presentation about their own work, a duplicator project they like, or give a “scene report” about their home studio, copier art, zines and related activities in your region.To keep things organized, we ask that you submit a video of your slideshow or talk by June 5th, so we can compile them and avoid technical difficulties during the event. Then, participants in the live meeting can share questions and comments in the chat and talk live as time allows. Send your video to Sharing through dropbox or another cloud storage service is preferred. Videos over 5 minutes will be rejected!
Do you have questions? Feel free to email us!
See you on 6/10…..
Rich & JS
This live, online forum will serve as part of the ongoing effort to raise awareness of the mimeograph and other pre-digital duplicators and their use in creating zines, prints, posters, chapbooks and other types of art. The name, “Duplicators Guild,” is a playful nod to the confraternal printer’s trade organizations of old, but is not meant to imply any official membership – only a willingness to engage in friendly conversation over our shared interests. We assert that while our cottage industry may be hyper-local, our networked community is increasingly global.
Organizers/Moderators:Rich Dana, Publisher, OBSOLETE! Press & MFA candidate, University of Iowa Center for the Book and JS Makkos, Founder, Intelligent Archives, Doctoral Candidate, Louisiana State University School of Art & Design”