4PM GMT–9AM L.A.– 11AM Chicago – 12PM NYC – 5PM London – 6PM Amsterdam– 1AM(Fri.) Tokyo
90 Minutes
Zoom Link:https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/97416277796?pwd=ZW9MQXFQN1ZQN25XeExVQUtNeEQvUT09
Hello duplicators!!
This week we will hold our 3rd online meeting – I hope you will join us!
If you have a technical (or other) question, information to share or a project to showcase, please let us know asap. The agenda for this meeting will be flexible and focused on asking questions and working together to find answers.
A couple of items on the agenda so far:
A video report from Chisinau, Moldova — interview by Kalmia Strong with KOLXOZ, a Tiraspol-Prague samizdat (self-publishing) collective that uses thermal printing and other outdated technologies and creates autonomous self-production and community/social spaces.
Technical troubleshooting Q & A: Send questions or post them in the chat for Erwin and others to help.