This machine is at risk of being destroyed.
If you live in or near, or are willing to drive to Central Texas, this lovely A. B. Dick “Edison-Dick” No. 77 Model B is in dire need of a new home. It currently resides in a commercial property that’s going on the market and is expected to sell quickly.

The person overseeing the sale reports that the machine was in frequent use until a few years ago when the owners moved on to other technology. The machine is complete and includes an interleaver and a supply of interleaf cards that allow you to print on standard paper without having to manually slipsheet pages between prints (this prevents ink transfer to other copies).

The table and a dust cover are included. There is also a Mimeoscope for stencil-work, accompanying documentation, lettering guides, T-square, and screenplates.

This is a fantastically complete collection – a duplicating shop all in one. To discuss price and logistics, please contact the person overseeing the sale via the original post on facebook. No price listed at this time, reasonable offers entertained. More pictures are included in the original post.