Looking for a printed guide to using mimeograph machines? Fundamentals of Mimeographing teaches the basics of stencil-making and duplicator use in an easy-to-use lesson format. First published in 1957, this guide has old-school appeal with its original color illustrations and vintage how-to with its focus on traditional wax stencils. Available in the Print Shop. The downloadable digital edition is available below.
Entries are listed alphabetically by manufacturer/brand and organized by date added to the library. To quickly find a particular brand I recommend a search (CTRL-F or CMD-F), though browsing is kind of fun too. See the image below for the master list of everything offered here (updated 12/03/23):
A. B. Dick
A partial copy of Techniques of Mimeographing, 1963, from Kevin B. Pages 11-14 are missing. If you happen to have a copy of this publication and can scan those pages, let me know so I can complete this volume.
The Charles Deering McCormick Special Collections and Archives of the Northwestern University Libraries generously provided clean scans of the following documents from their Russell N. Cansler papers. Cansler (co)author of the two books on mimeographing taught at Northwestern for many years.
First is the 1957 edition of A. B. Dick’s Fundamentals of Mimeographing:
The second book is The Modern Mimeographing Handbook for Stencil Typists, Stencil Artists, and Mimeograph Operators.
The A. B. Dick Standard Service Book of Instruction, 80 pages (including end pages and flyleaf), unknown date of publication (though there is an endorsement from 1919 just after the title page) is available as a PDF.
Basic instructions in French; scan provided by Atelier Riso Mano.
Banda Model 10 and 10D spirit duplicator instructions, courtesy of Kevin B.
This set of documents includes the dealer guide, operating instructions, maintenance guide, parts list, and schematics for the Silver Streak and Golden Streak fluid (spirit) duplicators (ca. 1959). Generously provided by Theodore Munk.
Gestefax stencil instructions
The first three files, in English, provided by Kevin B. The beautifully illustrated and duplicated French Gestetner manual was provided by Atelier Riso Mano
Gestetner 105
Gestetner 320
Gestetner 420
Le Manuel Gestetner (French)
Gestetner 145 (French) operating manual.
Operating instructions for the Gestetner 260.
Gestetner 460 operating instructions provided by Kevin B.
Operating instructions for the Gestetner 1120, an electronic stencil imager
Thanks to Kevin B., I’m happy to host the Heyer Spirit Duplicator Master Service Manual. Kevin says, “this is an invaluable set of documents, and many of the parts were common to the stencil duplicators like the 1770 as well” – so perhaps it will be of use to the mimeograph operators who need to work “under the hood.”
Kevin has also provided the instruction manual for the Lettergraph Model E. Kevin adds: “[actually contains instructions for the Model C and D as well; the unique aspects of the Model E are covered in the supplemental pages at the very end of the document].”
Thanks to Kevin B. for scanning and sharing the following documents. First is the instruction manual for the Heyer Lettergraph Model 24:
And instructions for the Heyer Conqueror Models 1770, 1776, and 1777.
The following two parts manuals are for Heyer’s paper folders, the EF1 and EF2 – included here since they frequently accompanied the stencil or spirit duplicators of the same line.
Instructions accompanying a Heyer Model 60 Postcard Printer (I guess once you attach the stencil it’s assumed that the rest is self-evident):
Instructions in French, provided by Atelier Riso Mano.
Instructions in French for working with the basic frame-style stencil duplicator (here, branded Limograph).
The following documents were generously provided by Theodore Munk.
Rex-O-Graph’s parts catalog and price list (no date).
Fluid duplicator instructions (no date).
Jayson Elliot liberated the operating instructions for the M4 from the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University.
A multilingual (English, French, Dutch) user’s manual for the Roneo 350. Courtesy of Mimeograph Revival reader, Kevin.
I could’ve sworn I posted this back in July, when I updated the master list, but I’ve not found it. Mea culpa!
Here’s a very nice scan of Speed-O-Print’s Manual: Stencil Duplicating Process, courtesy of Kevin B.
The following documents were generously provided by Theodore Munk.
Four different parts-list publications:
1. Speed-O-Print dealer’s parts list and service manual.
2. Speed-O-Print parts list no. 14 (1962)
3. Parts list for duplicators, “speed-o-scopes” and cabinets.
4. Speed-O-Print photo copier parts list
A two-page parts price list.
Speed-O-Print Liberator 200 instruction book.
Speed-O-Print Model L instruction book.
Instructions for removing and replacing Speed-O-Print rubber roll assembly.
Operating manual for the Standard Rocket Spirit Duplicator. Courtesy of Mimeograph Revival reader, Kevin.
4 replies on “Digital Collection – service/instruction manuals”
Thank you SO MUCH for making these available!
You’re so welcome! Glad you stopped by 🙂
I’ve enjoyed reading the Heyer manual. I am renovating a model 70 mk3 and wondered if anyone has information on how to set up the pressure band and therefore the impression roller pressure?
Hi Alan, nice to have you here! I heartily recommend joining the facebook group called “mimeomania” if fb is something you’re willing to use. If not, I can ask your question over there and see what the far-more-experienced mimeographers have to say. Just let me know what you’d like,