Pages from Print: How You Can Do It Yourself!

Page 18 is missing.
Zeitlyn, Jonathan. Print: How You Can Do It Yourself! Journeyman Press. London. 1992.
I pulled a few of the images out of one of the documents that will go up on the site soon, thinking they might be useful in and of themselves. At some point, if I have the time and energy, I might consider editing them in GIMP so that the images have a transparent background and could then be used to make stencils or be used as clip art. For now, though, you get them as they are. 🙂
From the publication Fundamentals of Mimeographing published by the A. B. Dick Company’s School Department, edited by Russell N. Cansler, 1957.*

I’m really excited about this next series – they list the parts of the various machines! This is the first time I’ve come across such schematics and I’m pleased to post them here for anyone else who doesn’t know what to call the various trays, levers, rollers, and knobs!

And a gratuitous typewriter image.

* Special thanks to Northwestern University’s Charles Deering McCormick Special Collections and Archives for providing access to the Russell N. Cansler papers.